Monday, August 10, 2009

experiment (and an oldie)

I've been playing with the tablet more, trying to come to grips with color. Having a ridiculously difficult time of it. Not that I have any grasp of color to begin with, but the whole digital-color working differently than pigments is messin' with me as well.

Came across an old illo from a couple years ago. I love Elsa Lanchester.


  1. I also like Elsa Lanchester. But I have a serious thing for monster women.

    Have you checked out:

  2. wow, I hadn't. Fantastic. Have you seen the guy (Italian, I believe) who does retro-style movie still shoots? I'll try to track down the site ... whole series of Bride of Frankenstein stuff. And the model looks quite similar to dear Elsa. If I recall, there were boobs involved as well.

  3. I haven't. If you find the site, let me know.

  4. Found something, at least... site's got a rather dubious name, but the photographer's on it:

    aha! found his official site:
    check Albums, then "Out of Time". It's worth checking his other work as well, his stuff really ties in to my fixation on olde-timey photos.
